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- 09:40, 5 August 2024 Alex talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Peter ATC ENG.odt
- 09:38, 5 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page File:Peter ATC ENG.odt
- 09:38, 5 August 2024 Alex talk contribs uploaded File:Peter ATC ENG.odt
- 09:19, 5 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page 8. Imperialism, geopolitical disorder and resistance - Peter Drucker (Created page with " Introduction to report and reporter Reporter: A US, Jewish, queer anti-imperialist in Holland Not an economist or regional expert Links with other reports: far right, women, LGBTIQ, and especially Palestine (overlapping, complementary?) I. 20th-century imperialism Basics of Lenin’s theory Uneven development & export of capital Competition for raw materials The division of the planet: colonial empires Spheres of influence and semi-colonies Two imperialist wo...")
- 08:42, 5 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page 9. LGBTIQ luttes et libération- Olivia (Created page with "1. L'histoire du capitalisme et de la sexualité : À travers un examen de l'histoire de la sexualité (avant et) sous le capitalisme, nous déterminerons que le genre (et le sexe), ainsi que les identités sexuelles sont historiquement et socialement construits d'une manière non neutre qui a tout à voir avec la façon dont le pouvoir et l'oppression sont structurés dans la société, et que l'oppression des identités lgbtiq* est ancrée dans la base matérielle du c...")
- 08:40, 5 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page 2.La classe ouvrière- Uraz (Created page with "La classe ouvrière : Les classes sociales et l'exploitation chez Marx La première partie de cet exposé portera sur le concept de classe chez Marx et la formation de de la société de classe. Comment les classes sociales sont-elles apparues? Comment les rapports d'exploitations se sont formés? Dans une perspective historique nous mobiliserons ainsi des concepts tels que la division sociale du travail, la force de travail, le surproduit et l'aliénation. La genè...")
- 13:27, 2 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page 2. The working class - Uraz (Created page with "Marx's social classes and exploitation The first part of this talk focuses on Marx's concept of class and the formation of class society. How did social classes come into being? How were relations of exploitation formed? From a historical perspective, we will mobilize concepts such as the social division of labor, labor power, surplus product and alienation. The genesis of the proletariat and its revolutionary potential The second part provides an overview of the hi...")
- 10:04, 2 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page 4. L'extrême droite en Europe- Alex (Created page with "Première partie Qu'est-ce que la politique et l'idéologie de droite? - Qu'est-ce que "l'idéologie" ? La domination de l'idéologie de droite : - Les idées dominantes sont les idées de la classe dominante - Indépendance croissante de l'Etat - La « scission libérale » dans l'idéologie bourgeoise - La « raison instrumentale » dans le capitalisme Comment fonctionne l'idéologie de droite ? - Patriarcat, religion, nationalisme - Des communautés imaginé...")
- 09:53, 2 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page 9. LGBTIQ struggles and liberation - Olivia (Created page with "1. The history of capitalism and sexuality: Through an examination of the history of sexuality (before and) under capitalism, we will determine that gender (and sex) as well as sexual identities are historically and socially constructed in a non-neutral way that has everything to do with how power and oppression are structured in society, and that oppression of lgbtiq* identities is anchored in the material base of capitalism and its sexual division of labour. 2. Neoli...")
- 09:52, 2 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page 4.The far-right in Europe - Alex dJ (Created page with "First part What are right-wing politics and ideology? - What is ‘ideology’? The dominance of right-wing ideology: - The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class - Growing independence of the state - The ‘liberal split’ in bourgeois ideology - ‘Instrumental reason’ in capitalism How does right-wing ideology work? - Patriarchy, Religion, nationalism - Imagined communities, havens in a heartless world Second part Fascism: what is it? (and do...")
- 09:52, 2 August 2024 Alex talk contribs created page École Jeunes 2024 (Created page with "August 8. Introduction. A partir de 15h. 9 .'''1. Introduction à notre marxisme critique- Ian</br>''' - Nôtre experience d’oppression et exploitation – aliénation, dialectique et materialisme - Le développement et l’histoire du capitalisme – structure, progrès et classe - La lutte colective contre le capitalisme – travail, exploitation et communisation 10. '''2. Libération des femmes- Roxanne</br>''' - Comment et pourquoi les femmes sont-e...")
- 15:17, 2 July 2024 Alex talk contribs created page International LGBTIQ Seminar 2024 (Created page with "new seminar")
- 15:17, 2 July 2024 Alex talk contribs created page Seminario Internacional LGBTIQ 2024 (Created page with "new seminar")
- 15:17, 2 July 2024 Alex talk contribs created page Seminare International LGBTIQ 2024 (Created page with "new seminar")
- 10:12, 10 June 2024 Alex talk contribs created page Youth School 2024 (Created page with "Introduction to the school. August 9. [Starting] at 3 pm. 10 .'''1. Introduction to our critical Marxism - Ian</br>''' - Our experience of oppression and exploitation – alienation, dialectics and materialism.</br> - The development and history of capitalism – structure, progress and class.</br> - The collective struggle against capitalism – labour, exploitation and communisation.</br> 11. '''2. Women's liberation</br>''' - A marxist analysis of the patr...")
- 09:55, 7 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Vocabulary (Created page with "The following is a list of frequently used terms and words, with the translation in the three languages used in the school: English, French, Castillian. Accumulation by dispossession - Accumulation par dépossession – Acumulación por desposesión (Materiel) base - Base (matérielle) / L'infrastructure – base material / infraestructura Bonapartism – Bonapartisme – Bonapartismo Comrade – Camarade – Companera Caesarism – Césarisme – Caesarismo...")
- 14:48, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page PROGRAMA DE TRANSICIÓN, primera parte (Created page with "Leon Trotsky PROGRAMA DE TRANSICIÓN LA AGONÍA DEL CAPITALISMO Y LAS TAREAS DE LA IV INTERNACIONAL (1938) Escrito: Por León Trotsky, en 1938. Versión digital: Partido Obrero Socialista Internacionalista, España, 2002. Esta edición: Marxists Internet Archive, enero de 2003 (corregida el 25 de mayo de 2006) LAS PREMISAS OBJETIVAS DELA REVOLUCIÓN SOCIALISTA La situación política mundial del momento, se caracteriza, ante todo, por la crisis histórica de la...")
- 14:48, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Programa de transición y lucha por la transformación social: estrategias de transición en la lucha por el socialismo. (Created page with "Leon Trotsky, PROGRAMA DE TRANSICIÓN, primera parte. Michael Löwy: Planificación y transición ecológica y social []")
- 14:44, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Transitional program and the struggle for social transformation: transitional strategies in the struggle for socialism. 17. (Created page with "Trotsky: The Transtional Program, part I [] Michael Löwy: Ecological and Social Planning and Transition []")
- 12:37, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Rebellions, insurrections and political polarization in South America (Created page with "Rebellions, insurrections and political polarization in South America Submitted by Ana Cristina C. (Brazil) This contribution is only part of a more comprehensive document on the world situation and the tasks of revolutionaries, which you can read here from Tuesday October 3rd: Since the beginning of the century, South America has been the scene of a series of struggles, multitudinous demonstrations, popular estallidos (riots), election of...")
- 12:35, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Rebeliones, insurrecciones y polarización política en Sudamérica (Created page with "Rebeliones, insurrecciones y polarización política en Sudamérica Ana Cristina Brasil Esta contribución es sólo una parte de un documento más amplio sobre la situación mundial y las tareas de los revolucionarios, que puedes leer aquí a partir del martes 10 de octubre: Desde principios de siglo, América del Sur ha sido escenario de una serie de luchas, manifestaciones multitudinarias, protestas populares, gobiernos reformistas nacidos...")
- 10:43, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Social movements and struggles in Latin-America. (Created page with "Franck Gaudichaud - “Latin America has once again entered a period of strong social and political turbulence” [] FI Latin America: Dynamics of mass movements and feminist currents [] Recommended books: Franck Gaudichaud, Massimo Modonesi, and Jeffery R. Webber: The Impasse of the Latin American Left Michael Löwy: Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the Present")
- 10:40, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Movimientos y luchas sociales en América Latina. 2023 (Created page with "Franck Gaudichaud - «América Latina entró en un período de nuevas polarizaciones sociales y políticas» [] CI - América Latina: Situación y dinámica del movimiento de masas y de las corrientes feministas [] libros recomendados Michael Löwy: El marxismo en América Latina [")
- 08:54, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page La lucha contra el racismo, 2023 (Created page with "C. L. R. James en conversación con León Trotsky y Nathaniel Carlos Hudson: Autodeterminación negra en los EE. UU. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, ¿Cómo cambiamos este país? []")
- 08:44, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page File:BLM ch 7.pdf
- 08:44, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs uploaded File:BLM ch 7.pdf
- 08:44, 4 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Anti-racism. (Created page with "CLR James: The revolutionary answer to the Negro problem in the United States []")
- 10:28, 2 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Les Ondes longues dans le capitalisme contemporain (Created page with "Michel Husson - L’économie d’Ernest Mandel, hier et aujourd’hui [] Préface de Daniel Bensaïd « Les rythmes du capital » au livre d’Ernest Mandel « Les ondes longues du développement capitaliste. Une interprétation marxiste » [] Powerpoint (ENG) [")
- 10:26, 2 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page File:LONG WAVES 2023.pdf
- 10:26, 2 December 2023 Alex talk contribs uploaded File:LONG WAVES 2023.pdf
- 10:26, 2 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Long waves in contemporary capitalism. 14. (Created page with "Michel Husson - The economics of Ernest Mandel, yesterday and today [] Andreas Malm: Long Waves of Fossil Development: Periodizing Energy and Capital []")
- 10:26, 2 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Ondas largas en el capitalismo contemporáneo (Created page with "Michel Husson - La economía de Ernest Mandel, ayer y hoy [] ANDREAS MALM- Ondas largas del desarrollo fósil: periodizando la energía y el capital [] Powerpoint []")
- 10:23, 2 December 2023 Alex talk contribs created page File:ONDAS LARGAS 2023 (Selección).pdf
- 10:23, 2 December 2023 Alex talk contribs uploaded File:ONDAS LARGAS 2023 (Selección).pdf
- 11:17, 27 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Ernest Mandel: Orígenes y definición del proletariado moderno. (Created page with "Orígenes y definición del proletariado moderno. Entre los antecedentes directos del proletariado moderno hay que mencionar a la población desarraigada de la Edad Media, es decir, a la población que ya no estaba ligada a la tierra ni incorporada en los oficios, corporaciones y gremios de los municipios, que, por tanto, era una población errante, sin raíces, y que empezó a alquilar sus brazos por jornadas e incluso horas. Hubo bastantes ciudades de la Edad Media, so...")
- 09:21, 27 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page The struggle against the far-right. 10. (Created page with "Ernest Mandel: Trotsky's Theory of Fascism, part III [] Enzo Traverso: Post-fascism: a mutation still underway [] Judith Carreras, The new radical right and anti-feminism [] Trotsky: What Is National-Socialism? []")
- 09:06, 27 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page La lutte contre l'extrême droite (Created page with "Ernest Mandel : Du fascisme III Enzo Traverso- Enzo Traverso : « Un post-fascisme autoritaire et xénophobe » [] Ugo Palheta : De l’antifascisme aujourd’hui [] Trotsky: Qu'est-ce que le national-socialisme ? []")
- 09:05, 27 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Qu'est-ce que la classe travailleuse ? (Created page with "Ernest Mandel : Du fascisme III Enzo Traverso- Enzo Traverso : « Un post-fascisme autoritaire et xénophobe » [] Ugo Palheta : De l’antifascisme aujourd’hui [] Trotsky: Qu'est-ce que le national-socialisme ? []")
- 08:51, 27 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page La lucha contra la extrema derecha (Created page with "Ernest Mandel - El Fascismo III [] Enzo Traverso - El posfacismo en ascenso [] Judith Carreras - Neoderechas y antifeminismo [] Trotsky - ¿Qué es el Nacionalsocialismo? []")
- 16:04, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page File:What progressive anti-imperialism is needed .pdf
- 16:04, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs uploaded File:What progressive anti-imperialism is needed .pdf
- 16:04, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page File:Presentation 1 - Origins and Developments of Imperialism - short version 2023.pdf
- 16:04, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs uploaded File:Presentation 1 - Origins and Developments of Imperialism - short version 2023.pdf
- 16:03, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page File:Historical Evolution of Imperialism – short version.pdf
- 16:03, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs uploaded File:Historical Evolution of Imperialism – short version.pdf
- 09:31, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page L'extrême droite (Created page with "Ernest Mandel : Du fascisme III Enzo Traverso- Enzo Traverso : « Un post-fascisme autoritaire et xénophobe » [] Ugo Palheta : De l’antifascisme aujourd’hui [] Trotsky: Qu'est-ce que le national-socialisme ? []")
- 09:28, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page Extrema derecha (Created page with "Ernest Mandel - El Fascismo III [] Enzo Traverso - El posfacismo en ascenso [] Judith Carreras - Neoderechas y antifeminismo [] Trotsky - ¿Qué es el Nacionalsocialismo? []")
- 09:27, 24 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page The far-right today. 9. (Created page with "Ernest Mandel: Trotsky's Theory of Fascism, part III [] Enzo Traverso: Post-fascism: a mutation still underway [] Judith Carreras, The new radical right and anti-feminism [] Trotsky: What Is National-Socialism? []")
- 14:07, 23 November 2023 Alex talk contribs created page File:Palestine JD.ppt
- 14:07, 23 November 2023 Alex talk contribs uploaded File:Palestine JD.ppt