2. Women's liberation - Roxanne
1. How and why are women oppressed?
- Marx and Engels on the situation of women and the family - Modes of production and family forms - The sexual division of labor - The over-exploitation of women and children - Three hypotheses on the link between capitalism and the oppression of women - Separation of productive and reproductive work - The heteropatriarchal family - Patriarchal violence
2. What is the history and the current status of women's liberation struggles?
- historical waves - Themes: rights, bodily autonomy, struggle against violence - new rise of the women's movement and feminist strikes - Women, race and class - International sexual and racial division of labor - Marxist feminism and inter-sectionality - Women and anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggles - Women and ecological struggles
3. What strategy for women's liberation?
- Self-organization and the autonomous feminist movement - Transinclusive feminism - Revolutionary feminism and the united front - Socialization of reproductive work