10. The Fourth International and strategic debates - Penny Duggan
1. Our strategic goal - a dream we have - society without oppression and exploitation
• Different ways of expressing it:
- overthrow capitalism
- make the revolution
- transform society and install the dictatorship of the proletariat
- dictatorship = rule of the majority
- the proletariat? = the exploited and oppressed
• How to get there : the emancipation of the workers the act of the workers themselves (Marx 1st International)
- “those on top can’t rule any more and those below won’t stand for it any more”
- mass mobilization -> different forms
- no schemas, anything can be a spark
2. The need for a party
• What is a party - has a political programme - attempt at synthesis of interests of exploited and oppressed
- different parties can be authentically “revolutionary”
- collective decisions, acts together, balance sheets
- memory and education
- the party, its relationship to the movements of exploited and oppressed
3. The FI's orientation today to party building - a bridge between where we are now and what we want
• The founding of the Fl as a minority current, Trotsky's approach, shaped history
• The 1995 World Congress:
- the period opened by 1968
- fall of the wall in 1989
- the political consequences : old political divisions could be overcome
• The development of this orientation in 2003, 2010 continued in 2018
- lessons learnt from national experience
- towards a balance sheet, the discussion in the FI - 17th World Congress
• What sort of parties?
- activist, which intervene, which have an effect
- build the struggles and movements of the exploited and oppressed
- democratic
- aim to ensure a non-oppressive internal climate through policies which prefigure the society we want
• The forces and the situation of the FI today
- overview of where we are present
- some elements on particular national experiences
- a conclusion: necessity to build FI today
Pierre Rousset - Reflections on the “party question” (expanded version) – an overview
FI: Role and party-building tasks of the Fourth International