1. Introduction to our critical Marxism - Ernesto Díaz
General objective: introduce key themes and issues of the thought of Marx and our Marxism
Objective of the seperate presentations:
1. presentation: explain the rupture with Hegelian philosophy; explain the development of Marx' concept of 'praxis' or practice, summarized in the 'thesis'
2. presentation: explain how the criticism of religion and of speculative, abstract thought is Marx' precondition for all criticism; explain the next step after negating religion: the criticism of existing social relations
3. presentation: explain in introductory fashion some specific elements of Marx' critique of the capitalist mode of production
1º presentation. Marx, his times and his break with the Left-Hegelians
1º part - Required reading. Biographical remarks on Marx [1]
2º part - The theses on Feuerbach. Basic reading [2]
2º Presentation. From the criticism of religion to political economy
1º part - Marx, critic of religion
Basic reading: A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Introduction [3]
2º part - Developing a materialist concept of history
Basic reading: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Preface [4]
Recommended to go further: 'Marx for our Times', D. Bensaid
3º Presentation. The critique of political economy
Single part: fundamental elements of political economy
Ernest Mandel: Chapter 1, An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory [5]