Ecosocialist School 2015

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Module 1. Concepts in Marxism

Saturday 21 November 1. Introduction: historical materialism method / place of Marxism in history
Alex Merlo

Sunday 22 November 2. Mode of production / mode of reproduction, women's oppression in capitalism
Susan Pashkoff

Monday 23 November 3. Relationship human society/nature, productivism
Marijke Colle

Tuesday 24 November 4. Feminism, Marxism and intersectionality: class, gender, race and sexuality as mutually constitutive
Nadia Demond

Wednesday 25 November 5. Class: objective definitions, shifting contours, subjective expressions (migration, generations, gender)
Léon Crémieux

Thursday 26 November Free day

Friday 27 November 6. Long waves and crises: economic, ecological, civilizational
Henri Wilno

Module 2. Deepening globalisation and its contradictions

Saturday 28 November 7. From the highest stage of capitalism to globalization: imperialisms and sub imperialisms, uneven and combined development
Alex De Jong

Sunday 29 November 8. Climate, food crisis, energy and peasant struggles and migration (women's struggles)
Marijke Colle

Monday 30 November 9. China's global role: challenging the US
Pierre Rousset

Tuesday 1 December 10. EU imperialism and the case of Greece
Eric Toussaint

Wednesday 2 December 11. Reactionary fundamentalisms and nationalism on the rise (including attacks on immigrants’ women’s and lgbt rights)
Terry Conway

Thursday 3 December Free day

Module 3. Strategic questions in changing the world

Friday 4 December 12. US imperialism and the challenges it faces in the Middle East
Julien Salingue

Saturday 5 December 13. New horizons of international and anti-racist solidarity: climate refugees, natural disasters, femonationalism/homonationalism and feminist/queer anti-imperialism, anti-austerity and labour
Peter Drucker

Sunday 6 December 14. Climate change and social transformation
Manuel Garí Ramos

Monday 7 December 15. New parties of the left: reformism in opposition or government (Syriza, Podemos, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Uruguay)
Manuel Garí Ramos

Tuesday 8 December 16. Class, environmental, and emancipatory struggles and institutions: what is a "transitional approach" in the 21st century?
Catherine Samary

Wednesday 9 December 17. The feminist challenge in changing society: feminizing our perspectives and our movements
Penny Duggan

Thursday 10 December 18. The strategic importance of internationalism and the role of an international
Alex de Jong

Friday 11 December Evaluation, cleaning

  • 9.00-9.40: Lecture Part 1
  • 9.40-9.50: Break
  • 9.50-10.30: Lecture Part 2
  • 10.30-10.40: Break
  • 10.40-11:20: Lecture Part 3
  • 11.20-11.30: Break
  • 11.30-12.00: Questions and answers
  • 12.00-15.00: Lunch and time for individual reading
  • 15.00-16.30: Discussion in language groups
  • 16.30-17.10: Final discussion starting with reports from the group Part 1
  • 17.10-17.20 Break
  • 17.20-18.00 Final discussion starting with reports from the group Part 2
  • 18.00-20.30: Reading time
  • 20.30: Evening meal