Outline lecture
IIRE Louis-Marie outline of lecture
Three parts of each 30 minutes
The working Class as Subject
1. The concept of social relation
Definition: • Domination, oppression, exploitation • Identity, social group • Social relation : a central notion
Multiple identities, membership of a group. Characterisation of dominations
The central role of the relation capital/labour: social relation of exploitation including different relations of dominance
2. The working class
Composition of the working class, perimeter, employees, services, women, immigrants
Social fragmentation, precariousness
Informal work, undocumented work
Intensification of labour, post-taylorism, neo-taylorism
Definition of a social class, the working class
3. The building of the working class as a subject
Objective and subjective class, “class consciousness”: building a common interest?
Professional and territorial representations: professional solidarities, building of rights for the workers
Unskilled/skilled workers/ “general intelligence”
Trade-unionism as an organic representation (Gramsci)
Trade unionism as an organic representation/political representation
A strategic objective: unifying the working class; emancipation: building new social relations