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  • 11:55, 7 December 2023Vocabulary (hist | edit) ‎[5,512 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The following is a list of frequently used terms and words, with the translation in the three languages used in the school: English, French, Castillian. Accumulation by dispossession - Accumulation par dépossession – Acumulación por desposesión (Materiel) base - Base (matérielle) / L'infrastructure – base material / infraestructura Bonapartism – Bonapartisme – Bonapartismo Comrade – Camarade – Companera Caesarism – Césarisme – Caesarismo...")
  • 16:48, 4 December 2023PROGRAMA DE TRANSICIÓN, primera parte (hist | edit) ‎[57,233 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Leon Trotsky PROGRAMA DE TRANSICIÓN LA AGONÍA DEL CAPITALISMO Y LAS TAREAS DE LA IV INTERNACIONAL (1938) Escrito: Por León Trotsky, en 1938. Versión digital: Partido Obrero Socialista Internacionalista, España, 2002. Esta edición: Marxists Internet Archive, enero de 2003 (corregida el 25 de mayo de 2006) LAS PREMISAS OBJETIVAS DELA REVOLUCIÓN SOCIALISTA La situación política mundial del momento, se caracteriza, ante todo, por la crisis histórica de la...")
  • 16:48, 4 December 2023Programa de transición y lucha por la transformación social: estrategias de transición en la lucha por el socialismo. (hist | edit) ‎[194 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Leon Trotsky, PROGRAMA DE TRANSICIÓN, primera parte. Michael Löwy: Planificación y transición ecológica y social []")
  • 16:44, 4 December 2023Transitional program and the struggle for social transformation: transitional strategies in the struggle for socialism. 17. (hist | edit) ‎[245 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Trotsky: The Transtional Program, part I [] Michael Löwy: Ecological and Social Planning and Transition []")
  • 14:37, 4 December 2023Rebellions, insurrections and political polarization in South America (hist | edit) ‎[13,606 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Rebellions, insurrections and political polarization in South America Submitted by Ana Cristina C. (Brazil) This contribution is only part of a more comprehensive document on the world situation and the tasks of revolutionaries, which you can read here from Tuesday October 3rd: Since the beginning of the century, South America has been the scene of a series of struggles, multitudinous demonstrations, popular estallidos (riots), election of...")
  • 14:35, 4 December 2023Rebeliones, insurrecciones y polarización política en Sudamérica (hist | edit) ‎[14,822 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Rebeliones, insurrecciones y polarización política en Sudamérica Ana Cristina Brasil Esta contribución es sólo una parte de un documento más amplio sobre la situación mundial y las tareas de los revolucionarios, que puedes leer aquí a partir del martes 10 de octubre: Desde principios de siglo, América del Sur ha sido escenario de una serie de luchas, manifestaciones multitudinarias, protestas populares, gobiernos reformistas nacidos...")
  • 12:43, 4 December 2023Social movements and struggles in Latin-America. (hist | edit) ‎[549 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Franck Gaudichaud - “Latin America has once again entered a period of strong social and political turbulence” [] FI Latin America: Dynamics of mass movements and feminist currents [] Recommended books: Franck Gaudichaud, Massimo Modonesi, and Jeffery R. Webber: The Impasse of the Latin American Left Michael Löwy: Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the Present")
  • 12:40, 4 December 2023Movimientos y luchas sociales en América Latina. 2023 (hist | edit) ‎[739 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Franck Gaudichaud - «América Latina entró en un período de nuevas polarizaciones sociales y políticas» [] CI - América Latina: Situación y dinámica del movimiento de masas y de las corrientes feministas [] libros recomendados Michael Löwy: El marxismo en América Latina [")
  • 10:54, 4 December 2023La lucha contra el racismo, 2023 (hist | edit) ‎[281 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "C. L. R. James en conversación con León Trotsky y Nathaniel Carlos Hudson: Autodeterminación negra en los EE. UU. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, ¿Cómo cambiamos este país? []")
  • 10:44, 4 December 2023Anti-racism. (hist | edit) ‎[285 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "CLR James: The revolutionary answer to the Negro problem in the United States []")
  • 12:28, 2 December 2023Les Ondes longues dans le capitalisme contemporain (hist | edit) ‎[503 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Michel Husson - L’économie d’Ernest Mandel, hier et aujourd’hui [] Préface de Daniel Bensaïd « Les rythmes du capital » au livre d’Ernest Mandel « Les ondes longues du développement capitaliste. Une interprétation marxiste » [] Powerpoint (ENG) [")
  • 12:26, 2 December 2023Long waves in contemporary capitalism. 14. (hist | edit) ‎[321 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Michel Husson - The economics of Ernest Mandel, yesterday and today [] Andreas Malm: Long Waves of Fossil Development: Periodizing Energy and Capital []")
  • 12:26, 2 December 2023Ondas largas en el capitalismo contemporáneo (hist | edit) ‎[360 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Michel Husson - La economía de Ernest Mandel, ayer y hoy [] ANDREAS MALM- Ondas largas del desarrollo fósil: periodizando la energía y el capital [] Powerpoint []")
  • 18:15, 30 November 2023El papel estratégico del internacionalismo y la necesidad de una internacional. 18. (hist | edit) ‎[10,474 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''1. El capitalismo mundial y la necesidad del internacionalism''' - la situación actual - pandemia, guerra en Ucrania, protestas en Irán, en China, derrota de Bolsonaro, de Trump, golpe en Perú - La naturaleza de clase, la naturaleza imperialista y opresiva del sistema mundial. ¿Qué es el Internacionalismo? - solidaridad internacional, de nacional a nacional - ¿internacionalismo "débil" ? - organización transfronteriza, "un ataque a uno de nos...")
  • 18:12, 30 November 2023Le rôle stratégique de l'internationalisme et la nécessité d'une politique internationale de l'emploi (hist | edit) ‎[2,587 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''1. Le capitalisme mondial et la nécessité de l'internationalisme''' - la situation actuelle - pandémie, guerre en Ukraine, manifestations en Iran, en Chine, défaite de Bolsonaro, de Trump, coup d'État au Pérou - la nature de classe, la nature impérialiste et oppressive du système mondial. Qu'est-ce que l'internationalisme ? - solidarité internationale, national à national - internationalisme "faible" ? - organisation transfrontalière, "une b...")
  • 18:12, 30 November 2023The strategic role of internationalism and the need for an international. 18. (hist | edit) ‎[9,494 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''1. World Capitalism and the need for internationalism''' - today's situation - pandemic, war in Ukraine, protests in Iran, in China, defeat of Bolsonaro, of Trump, coup in Peru - the class nature, the imperialist and oppressive nature of the global system What is Internationalism ? - international solidarity, national to national - “weak” internationalism ? - cross-border organization, “an injury to one is an injury to all” (IWW) - “strong”...")
  • 12:29, 28 November 2023La deuda: una herramienta del neocolonialismo- Jawad (hist | edit) ‎[2,144 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with ""El crédito público es el credo del capital" dijo Marx, y después de él varios teóricos marxistas, en particular Rosa Luxemburgo, subrayaron la importancia y el papel central de la deuda en el proceso de acumulación primitiva y la subordinación de los pueblos del Sur a las potencias capitalistas. La deuda de los países del Sur global, incluidos los países africanos, tiene su origen en la colonización, donde fue en parte su justificación moral. Tras la indepen...")
  • 12:27, 28 November 2023Debt: a tool of neocolonialism. 13. (hist | edit) ‎[2,122 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with ""Public credit is the credo of capital" said Marx, and several Marxist theorists, notably Rosa Luxembourg, have since stressed the importance and central role of debt in the process of primitive accumulation and the subordination of the peoples of the South to the capitalist powers. The debt of the countries of the global South, including Africa, has its origins in colonization, where it was in part its moral justification. After independence in the mid-20th century, th...")
  • 12:25, 28 November 2023La dette : un outil du néocolonialisme (hist | edit) ‎[2,174 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "« Le crédit public, voilà le credo du capital » disait Marx, après lui plusieurs théoriciens marxistes notamment Rosa Luxembourg ont souligné l'importance et le rôle central de la dette dans le processus d'accumulation primitive et la subordination des peuples du Sud aux puissances capitalistes. La dette des pays du sud global dont les pays Africains trouve son origine dans la colonisation où elle a été en partie sa justification Morale. Après l'indépendanc...")
  • 12:09, 28 November 2023Crisis climática y necesidad de transformación social- Christine (hist | edit) ‎[675 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Parte 1 - La crisis ecológica determina cada vez más todas las demás cuestiones sociales, económicas y políticas: (decrecimiento justo y ecosocialista, un programa de transición en una época de destrucción ecológica capitalista). Parte 2 - Implicaciones estratégicas (luchas, tema revolucionario...) Parte 3 - El mundo por el que luchamos.")
  • 12:07, 28 November 2023La crise climatique et la nécessité d'une transformation sociale (hist | edit) ‎[707 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Partie 1 - La crise écologique détermine de plus en plus toutes les autres questions sociales, économiques et politiques : (la décroissance juste et écosocialiste, un programme de transition à l'heure de la destruction écologique capitaliste). Partie 2 - Implications stratégiques (luttes, sujet révolutionnaire...) Partie 3 - Le monde pour lequel nous nous battons.")
  • 11:59, 28 November 2023Climate crisis and the need for social transformation. 12. (hist | edit) ‎[633 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Part 1 - The ecological crisis is increasingly determining all other social, economic and political issues: (just and ecosocialist degrowth, a transition programme at a time of capitalist ecological destruction). Part 2 - Strategic implications (struggles, revolutionary subject...) Part 3 - The world we are fighting for.")
  • 11:35, 28 November 2023Les Femmes et capitalisme / La vie des femmes dans le capitalisme / Le rôle social des femmes dans le capitalisme (hist | edit) ‎[454 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1- Théorie de la reproduction sociale 2- Intersection avec le colonialisme, le racisme, l'extractivisme 3- Exemples de combats [ Le marxisme et l’oppression des femmes. Un extrait du livre de Lise Vogel] [ La révolution féministe. Conversation avec Aurore Koechlin]")
  • 11:02, 28 November 2023Women and Capitalism / Women's lives in capitalism / The social role of women in capitalism. 11. (hist | edit) ‎[516 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1- Theory of social reproduction 2- Intersection with colonialism, racism, extractivism 3- Examples of fights Readings: Nancy Fraser: English: Spanish: Secondary: Social Reproduction: What's the big idea? (Susan Fergu...")
  • 10:53, 28 November 2023Mujeres y capitalismo / La vida de las mujeres en el capitalismo / El papel social de las mujeres en el capitalismo (hist | edit) ‎[420 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1- Theory of social reproduction 2- Intersection with colonialism, racism, extractivism 3- Examples of fights Readings: Nancy Fraser: English: Spanish: Secondary: Social Reproduction: What's the big idea? (Susan Fergu...")
  • 13:17, 27 November 2023Ernest Mandel: Orígenes y definición del proletariado moderno. (hist | edit) ‎[7,726 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Orígenes y definición del proletariado moderno. Entre los antecedentes directos del proletariado moderno hay que mencionar a la población desarraigada de la Edad Media, es decir, a la población que ya no estaba ligada a la tierra ni incorporada en los oficios, corporaciones y gremios de los municipios, que, por tanto, era una población errante, sin raíces, y que empezó a alquilar sus brazos por jornadas e incluso horas. Hubo bastantes ciudades de la Edad Media, so...")
  • 12:59, 27 November 2023Ernest Mandel Origines and definition of the modern proletariat (hist | edit) ‎[7,073 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Origins and Definition of the Modern Proletariat Among the direct ancestors of the modern proletariat we must include the uprooted population of the Middle Ages which was no longer bound to the soil or incorporated in the trades, corporations and guilds of the free towns, and was consequently a wandering, rootless population, which had begun to sell its labor by the day or even by the hour. There were quite a few cities in the Middle Ages, notably Florence, Venice and B...")
  • 12:57, 27 November 2023Ernest Mandel Origines et définition du prolétariat moderne (hist | edit) ‎[7,898 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Origines et définition du prolétariat moderne Parmi les ancêtres directs du prolétariat moderne, il faut mentionner la population déraci­née du moyen âge, c’est-à-dire la population qui n’était plus attachée à la glèbe, ni incorporée dans les métiers, les corporations et les guildes des communes, qui était donc une population errante, sans racines, et qui commençait à louer ses bras à la journée ou même à l’heure. Il y a eu pas mal de villes d...")
  • 12:00, 27 November 2023Qué es la clase obrera (hist | edit) ‎[2,560 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Las clases sociales y la explotación de Marx En la primera parte de esta conferencia se analizará el concepto de clase de Marx y la formación de la sociedad de clases. ¿Cómo surgieron las clases sociales? ¿Cómo se formaron las relaciones de explotación? Desde una perspectiva histórica, nos basaremos en conceptos como la división social del trabajo, la fuerza de trabajo, la plusproducción y la alienación. La génesis del proletariado y su potencial revoluci...")
  • 11:59, 27 November 2023What is the Working class. 9. (hist | edit) ‎[4,018 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Marx's social classes and exploitation The first part of this talk focuses on Marx's concept of class and the formation of class society. How did social classes come into being? How were relations of exploitation formed? From a historical perspective, we will mobilize concepts such as the social division of labor, labor power, surplus product and alienation. The genesis of the proletariat and its revolutionary potential The second part provides an overview of the hi...")
  • 11:21, 27 November 2023The struggle against the far-right. 10. (hist | edit) ‎[452 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ernest Mandel: Trotsky's Theory of Fascism, part III [] Enzo Traverso: Post-fascism: a mutation still underway [] Judith Carreras, The new radical right and anti-feminism [] Trotsky: What Is National-Socialism? []")
  • 11:06, 27 November 2023La lutte contre l'extrême droite (hist | edit) ‎[470 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ernest Mandel : Du fascisme III Enzo Traverso- Enzo Traverso : « Un post-fascisme autoritaire et xénophobe » [] Ugo Palheta : De l’antifascisme aujourd’hui [] Trotsky: Qu'est-ce que le national-socialisme ? []")
  • 11:05, 27 November 2023Qu'est-ce que la classe travailleuse ? (hist | edit) ‎[2,736 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ernest Mandel : Du fascisme III Enzo Traverso- Enzo Traverso : « Un post-fascisme autoritaire et xénophobe » [] Ugo Palheta : De l’antifascisme aujourd’hui [] Trotsky: Qu'est-ce que le national-socialisme ? []")
  • 10:51, 27 November 2023La lucha contra la extrema derecha (hist | edit) ‎[395 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ernest Mandel - El Fascismo III [] Enzo Traverso - El posfacismo en ascenso [] Judith Carreras - Neoderechas y antifeminismo [] Trotsky - ¿Qué es el Nacionalsocialismo? []")
  • 17:48, 25 November 2023Movimientos de mujeres que luchan por la liberación sexual y de género Patri (hist | edit) ‎[898 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[,_El_origen_de_la_familia,_la_propriedad_privada_y_el_estado,_1884 F. Engels, El origen de la familia, la propriedad privada y el estado] [ extracto de Prefacio a la Primera Edicion 1884] [ Resolución Congreso Mundial 1979 “La revolución socialista y la lucha por la liberación de la mujer"] l...")
  • 17:45, 25 November 2023Mouvements de femmes en lutte pour la libération sexuelle et de genre (hist | edit) ‎[1,465 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[,_de_la_propri%C3%A9t%C3%A9_priv%C3%A9e_et_de_l%27%C3%A9tat,_1884 Friedrich Engels, L'origine de la famille, de la propriété privée et de l'état] , extrait de [ Préface à la première édition 1884] [ Résolution du 11ème Congrès Mondial (1979): "La révolution socialis...")
  • 17:44, 25 November 2023Women's movements fighting for gender and sexual liberation. 8. (hist | edit) ‎[891 bytes]Maral (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[,_Origins_of_the_Family,_Private_Property_and_the_State Excerpts from Friedrich Engels, Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State] in [ Preface to the first edition, 1884] [ World Congress resolution 1979 “Socialist revolution and the struggle...")
  • 11:31, 24 November 2023L'extrême droite (hist | edit) ‎[470 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ernest Mandel : Du fascisme III Enzo Traverso- Enzo Traverso : « Un post-fascisme autoritaire et xénophobe » [] Ugo Palheta : De l’antifascisme aujourd’hui [] Trotsky: Qu'est-ce que le national-socialisme ? []")
  • 11:28, 24 November 2023Extrema derecha (hist | edit) ‎[395 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ernest Mandel - El Fascismo III [] Enzo Traverso - El posfacismo en ascenso [] Judith Carreras - Neoderechas y antifeminismo [] Trotsky - ¿Qué es el Nacionalsocialismo? []")
  • 11:27, 24 November 2023The far-right today. 9. (hist | edit) ‎[452 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ernest Mandel: Trotsky's Theory of Fascism, part III [] Enzo Traverso: Post-fascism: a mutation still underway [] Judith Carreras, The new radical right and anti-feminism [] Trotsky: What Is National-Socialism? []")
  • 13:07, 21 November 2023Imperialism and geopolitical disorder. 5. (hist | edit) ‎[737 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Imperialism Transformed - PETER DRUCKER Multipolarity, the Mantra of Authoritarianism - KAVITA KRISHNAN Imperialism(s), Russia, China – a contribution to the debate centred on the historical context – PIERRE ROUSSET")
  • 13:06, 21 November 2023Imperialismo y desorden geopolítico. (hist | edit) ‎[747 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Peter Drucker - Metamorfosis del imperialismo [] Kavita Krishnan - La «multipolaridad», el mantra del autoritarismo [] Pierre Rousset - Imperialismo(s), Rusia, China - Contexto histórico del debate []")
  • 12:18, 21 November 2023Palestina y la solidaridad internacional. (hist | edit) ‎[650 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "La liberación palestina y las revoluciones MENA [] Luchar para preservar el derecho de los palestinos a la resistencia [] Gaza – Dos escenarios: el Gran Israel contra Oslo [")
  • 11:58, 21 November 2023Palestine and international solidarity. 6. (hist | edit) ‎[517 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Palestinian liberation and the MENA revolutions [] Gaza: We must defend Palestinians’ right to resistance [] The Oslo Illusion [] Two Gaza Scenarios: Greater Israel vs. Oslo []")
  • 10:09, 20 November 2023China, el ascenso de un nuevo imperialismo. (hist | edit) ‎[1,072 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Au Loong-yu - El ascenso del capitalismo chino [] Pierre Rousset - China, el nuevo imperialismo emergente [] Au Loong-yu - China: el XX Congreso del PCCh, concebido como un monólogo, es interrumpido por un don nadie [] Pierre Rousset - Conf...")
  • 11:49, 19 November 2023Introducción a la crítica marxista de la economía política. Alex Merlo (hist | edit) ‎[888 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===La crítica de la economía política.=== * Crítica a la economía y a la economía marxista</br> * Economía política clásica vs. economía vulgar.</br> * Categorías económicas como realidades históricas.</br> ===La teoría de la explotación de Marx=== * Materia prima, valor de uso, valor de cambio, mano de obra, explotación, plusvalía, beneficio.</br> ===La dinámica de la economía capitalista=== * Excedente de valor absoluto y relativo.</br> * Teoría mar...")
  • 11:48, 19 November 2023¿Qué es el Ecosocialismo? ESS 2023. Alex Merlo - CAS (hist | edit) ‎[168 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "17º Congreso Mundial - 2018. La destrucción capitalista del medioambiente y la alternativa ecosocialista. []")
  • 11:46, 19 November 2023. Qu'est-ce que l'écosocialisme ? ESS 2023 (hist | edit) ‎[168 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "17e congrès mondial - 2018. La destruction capitaliste de l’environnement et l’alternative écosocialiste []")
  • 11:45, 19 November 2023What's Ecosocialism? ESS 2023 (hist | edit) ‎[6,670 bytes]Alex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "17th World Congress - 2018. The capitalist destruction of the environment and the ecosocialist alternative []")