The global economic crisis – Nacho Alvarez
Materials from last years' lecture
Plan of the lecture
- The neoliberal answer to the crisis since the 1980’s
- The extension of neoliberal measures: liberalization, privatization and external opening of economies.
- Main characteristics of the neoliberal period: financialization, stagnation and unemployment.
- Restoring profitability: the wage stagnation.
- The resurgence of financial capital
- Marxist analysis of the current crisis
- Profitability and evolution of the rate of profit
- Financialization and accumulation of fictitious capital: the crisis of neoliberalism
- The Euro crisis: a storm in the center of the world economy
- The crisis in Latin America and Asia
- The responses of the elites to the current crisis and possible alternatives
- The response in USA: the support to Wall Street and to financial capital
- Bailouts, austerity and Memorandums in the European Union: deepening social regression
- Alternative economic policy