The left and anti-racist struggles*
Part 1
1. Introduction
2. Marx, slave trade, race, racism, class
3. Haiti, US Civil War, Civil Rights/68
4. DuBois, Williams, Heideman
a. Civil War-Marx
b. Dubois the “Black general strike”
c. Slavery and Capitalism
d. Class struggle and the Colorline
5. Robinson, Black Radical Tradition, racial capitalism
a. Black Marxism
b. Black Radical Tradition
CLR James
c. Racial capitalism
6. Barbara Jean Fields, Post, Abolition
a. Fields
b. Post
c. Kaba-Gilmore-Abolition
Part 2
1. BLM-George Floyd Uprising
2. Global race regimes
a. USA abolition/immigration
b. Europe
c. Mexico
d. Brazil
3. Challenges/Debates on the left
a. Revolutionary left
i. Abolition
ii. Racism
b. Social democracy
i. Class reductionism
ii. Abolition?
c. Police violence/BLM
d. IPCC report/imperialism
4. Towards the abolition of the real
a. From here to there
b. Praxis
c. Conclusion
Ingrid Saraiva: It’s time to Blacken the socialist left in Brazil and internationally [1]
Betsy Esch and David Roediger: Nonracialism Through Race (and Class)
FI: Stop inhumane policies against migrants! [2]