The strategic importance of internationalism and the role of an international: Difference between revisions

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Why Internationalism and an International   ?  
Why Internationalism and an International   ?  
How resistances become global  
How resistances become global  
1 / The class nature, the imperialist and oppressive nature of the global system and globalization.  
1 / The class nature, the imperialist and oppressive nature of the global system and globalization.  
Political organization of national, regional and global domination.  
Political organization of national, regional and global domination.  
Social effects are multiple   :  
Social effects are multiple   :  
Overexploitation, mechanisms for liberalizing the labor market,  
Overexploitation, mechanisms for liberalizing the labor market,  
Reintegration into the capitalist system of the managed economies of Russia and Asia  
Reintegration into the capitalist system of the managed economies of Russia and Asia  
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Destruction of eco-systems ....  
Destruction of eco-systems ....  
International Mechanics of Economic Crises and the Circulation of Financial Speculation  
International Mechanics of Economic Crises and the Circulation of Financial Speculation  
The intensification of exploitation is linked to the maintenance of undemocratic systems, the point of support for exploiters of archaic structures of domination, States oppressing national minorities  
The intensification of exploitation is linked to the maintenance of undemocratic systems, the point of support for exploiters of archaic structures of domination, States oppressing national minorities  
Thus neo-liberal globalization, structural adjustment plans, austerity policies crystallize systems of oppression and strengthen systems of exploitation.  
Thus neo-liberal globalization, structural adjustment plans, austerity policies crystallize systems of oppression and strengthen systems of exploitation.  
2 / Breakdown of resistance and social prospects  
2 / Breakdown of resistance and social prospects  
This link between the effects of globalization does not automatically lead to a common awareness of the roots of these attacks and, above all, not to a shared awareness of the requiered political responses.  
This link between the effects of globalization does not automatically lead to a common awareness of the roots of these attacks and, above all, not to a shared awareness of the requiered political responses.  
The divisions between imperialist countries and dominated countries, within both national oppression, oppression of women, ethnic discrimination, .... Allow the imperialists to maintain a shattering of consciousness   :  
The divisions between imperialist countries and dominated countries, within both national oppression, oppression of women, ethnic discrimination, .... Allow the imperialists to maintain a shattering of consciousness   :  
-the Peruvian Indian peasant, the American miner, the Palestinian craftsman, the French computer technician, the Turkish immigrant mason in Germany, the Chinese worker, the Malian official, the Chechen trader, how would they all develop a consciousness of belonging to the same class, of having an interest in gathering their forces to fight against a common enemy ... and for a common future beyond capitalism   ? How can even the workers and workers of the same country have an awareness of belonging to the same class   ?  
-the Peruvian Indian peasant, the American miner, the Palestinian craftsman, the French computer technician, the Turkish immigrant mason in Germany, the Chinese worker, the Malian official, the Chechen trader, how would they all develop a consciousness of belonging to the same class, of having an interest in gathering their forces to fight against a common enemy ... and for a common future beyond capitalism   ? How can even the workers and workers of the same country have an awareness of belonging to the same class   ?  
In all every day struggles, the goal does not spontaneously create bonds of solidarity
In all every day struggles, the goal does not spontaneously create bonds of solidarity
This strongly implies the necessity of the struggle of anti-capitalist militants, revolutionary militants who create strategies for unity among the workers and the exploited. Build programs unifying the class struggle, the struggle against oppression and ecological struggle. This implies fighting within the same country, unifying with a common goal, the abolition of the capitalist system, but also unify these combats on an international scale.  
This strongly implies the necessity of the struggle of anti-capitalist militants, revolutionary militants who create strategies for unity among the workers and the exploited. Build programs unifying the class struggle, the struggle against oppression and ecological struggle. This implies fighting within the same country, unifying with a common goal, the abolition of the capitalist system, but also unify these combats on an international scale.  
3 / The mirage of the unified struggle of the twentieth century  
3 / The mirage of the unified struggle of the twentieth century  
A certain image of the struggles of the 20th century suggests that this situation of break-up is the result of the last thirty years, the result of the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the socialist bloc. Many old activists express this nostalgia.  
A certain image of the struggles of the 20th century suggests that this situation of break-up is the result of the last thirty years, the result of the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the socialist bloc. Many old activists express this nostalgia.  
The East block did not unify resistance, even if the confrontation USA / USSR gave points of support to certain struggles of national resistances, those paid a high price, all the more if they did not enter in the strategic framework of Soviet diplomacy ... And in the reserved area of ​​this block, it was in reality a prison of the peoples, like Russia and China today ....  
The East block did not unify resistance, even if the confrontation USA / USSR gave points of support to certain struggles of national resistances, those paid a high price, all the more if they did not enter in the strategic framework of Soviet diplomacy ... And in the reserved area of ​​this block, it was in reality a prison of the peoples, like Russia and China today ....  
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'Anti-imperialist camps', f which the USSR, China, Cuba and Vietnam gave the vectors ...  
'Anti-imperialist camps', f which the USSR, China, Cuba and Vietnam gave the vectors ...  
Unfortunately, many colonial struggles, feminist or anti-discrimination battles, national liberation struggles, and ecological struggles were still fragmented and even contradictory.  
Unfortunately, many colonial struggles, feminist or anti-discrimination battles, national liberation struggles, and ecological struggles were still fragmented and even contradictory.  
The 1970s and 1980s were marked by the crisis of these various "Anti-imperialist leaderships". It is not the place to develop this, but not only the USSR / USSR confrontations, but also the various drifts of the Indochinese leadership, the alignment of Cuba with the positions of the Kremlin bureaucracy concerning Czechoslovakia and Poland, the invasion of Afghanistan, were symptoms of this crisis.  
The 1970s and 1980s were marked by the crisis of these various "Anti-imperialist leaderships". It is not the place to develop this, but not only the USSR / USSR confrontations, but also the various drifts of the Indochinese leadership, the alignment of Cuba with the positions of the Kremlin bureaucracy concerning Czechoslovakia and Poland, the invasion of Afghanistan, were symptoms of this crisis.  
4 / The emergence of the global justice movement in the 90s  
4 / The emergence of the global justice movement in the 90s  
Dynamics and limits   : From Seattle to Porto Alegre  
Dynamics and limits   : From Seattle to Porto Alegre  
The international convergence of struggles we have known in the 90s with the emergence of the alterglobalist movement. At the time, it was no longer the USSR or Cuba that served as rallying points. But the most diverse social movements managed to come together in the face of the aggressiveness of the leaders of the capitalist countries of big trusts and banks.  
The international convergence of struggles we have known in the 90s with the emergence of the alterglobalist movement. At the time, it was no longer the USSR or Cuba that served as rallying points. But the most diverse social movements managed to come together in the face of the aggressiveness of the leaders of the capitalist countries of big trusts and banks.  
In massive protests against the meetings of the WTO, the IMF and other institutions, a common consciousness of the necessary struggle against the capitalist world: “Another world is possible” served as a unifying watchword. Trade unions, associations for the defence of the environment, the defence of oppressed peoples, women's organizations, ... all the social movements found a place of gathering, concretized in the world and then regional social forums in the years 2000.  
In massive protests against the meetings of the WTO, the IMF and other institutions, a common consciousness of the necessary struggle against the capitalist world: “Another world is possible” served as a unifying watchword. Trade unions, associations for the defence of the environment, the defence of oppressed peoples, women's organizations, ... all the social movements found a place of gathering, concretized in the world and then regional social forums in the years 2000.  
On the other hand, the limits of these movements lay in the means to be adopted to impose social justice and the demands of these movements.  
On the other hand, the limits of these movements lay in the means to be adopted to impose social justice and the demands of these movements.  
Platform and contradictions of the movement on strategic issues  
Platform and contradictions of the movement on strategic issues  
In the social forums of the 2000s, radical militants of anti-capitalist political organizations met but also Christian militants linked to the churches, representatives of trade unions, associations and governments and social democratic parties.  
In the social forums of the 2000s, radical militants of anti-capitalist political organizations met but also Christian militants linked to the churches, representatives of trade unions, associations and governments and social democratic parties.  
This coexistence reflected the different strategic perspectives of the movements and parties present in these gatherings   :  
This coexistence reflected the different strategic perspectives of the movements and parties present in these gatherings   :  
- pressure groups, institutional lobbies, placing their action within the framework of a pressure on the bourgeois institutions,  
- pressure groups, institutional lobbies, placing their action within the framework of a pressure on the bourgeois institutions,  
- social movements and anticapitalist parties based their action on the popular mobilizations and the confrontation with the system.  
- social movements and anticapitalist parties based their action on the popular mobilizations and the confrontation with the system.  
5 / The return of strategic issues.  
5 / The return of strategic issues.  
Brazil, Italy  
Brazil, Italy  
The alterglobalist movement was hit hard in the early 2000s by the arrival to government of Lula in Brazil and the support of Rifundazione in Italy to the Prodi government. The Brazilian PT and the Italian PRC were pillars of the anti-globalization movement. The social-liberal drift of the Lula governments and the PRC's support for an austerity government shed some light on the strategic issue: it is impossible to defend "Another world" and the demands of social justice without calling into question capitalist economic power, nationally and internationally.  
The alterglobalist movement was hit hard in the early 2000s by the arrival to government of Lula in Brazil and the support of Rifundazione in Italy to the Prodi government. The Brazilian PT and the Italian PRC were pillars of the anti-globalization movement. The social-liberal drift of the Lula governments and the PRC's support for an austerity government shed some light on the strategic issue: it is impossible to defend "Another world" and the demands of social justice without calling into question capitalist economic power, nationally and internationally.  
The class nature of exploitation,  
The class nature of exploitation,  
Social injustice is not just the result of bad leaders or bad bosses. Exploitation, misery is the result of an economic system, capitalism  
Social injustice is not just the result of bad leaders or bad bosses. Exploitation, misery is the result of an economic system, capitalism  
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The need to overthrow the State to overthrow the economic system,  
The need to overthrow the State to overthrow the economic system,  
The crisis since 2008 and the sovereign debt crisis exposing the economic system. Any action against the policies of austerity requires confronting the economic structures and the States that structure this exploitation. The example of Greece and the diktats of the European Union show us that this issue goes beyond national borders because it is also necessary to confront the international structures set up by the capitalists.  
The crisis since 2008 and the sovereign debt crisis exposing the economic system. Any action against the policies of austerity requires confronting the economic structures and the States that structure this exploitation. The example of Greece and the diktats of the European Union show us that this issue goes beyond national borders because it is also necessary to confront the international structures set up by the capitalists.  
6 / What is the content of socialism in the 21st century   ?  
6 / What is the content of socialism in the 21st century   ?  
Political democracy,  
Political democracy,  
Challenging systems of representation of policy professionals: elected assembly, advisory structures  
Challenging systems of representation of policy professionals: elected assembly, advisory structures  
Who directs society and for whom?  
Who directs society and for whom?  
Organization of production  
Organization of production  
Tensions ... in the face of abundance, the ecological question  
Tensions ... in the face of abundance, the ecological question  
Oppression and the resolution of contradictions  
Oppression and the resolution of contradictions  
Control of economic and financial mechanisms  
Control of economic and financial mechanisms  
The need for an International   :  
The need for an International   :  
Linked to the necessity of the party. A party is necessary for all / all exploited and oppressed to organize together and act together against capitalism and oppression.  
Linked to the necessity of the party. A party is necessary for all / all exploited and oppressed to organize together and act together against capitalism and oppression.  
International = World Revolutionary Party  
International = World Revolutionary Party  
Capitalists are organized on an international scale (IMF, WTO, banks and international trusts), they are powerfully organized to defend their interests. Pure they seek to divide the exploited and the oppressed with borders of which they themselves have nothing to do.  
Capitalists are organized on an international scale (IMF, WTO, banks and international trusts), they are powerfully organized to defend their interests. Pure they seek to divide the exploited and the oppressed with borders of which they themselves have nothing to do.  
The tortuous paths   :  
The tortuous paths   :  
1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd  
1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd  
4th International   :  
4th International   :  
The gap between necessity and reality.  
The gap between necessity and reality.  
The false anti-imperialism   : Gaddafi, Assad, Putin, El Qaeda and the Islamic state, ... The enemies of our enemies are not necessarily our friends.  
The false anti-imperialism   : Gaddafi, Assad, Putin, El Qaeda and the Islamic state, ... The enemies of our enemies are not necessarily our friends.  
Today the paths to advance   :  
Today the paths to advance   :  
IV, continental networks  
IV, continental networks  
International currents  
International currents  

Revision as of 16:34, 7 December 2016

Why Internationalism and an International  ?

How resistances become global

1 / The class nature, the imperialist and oppressive nature of the global system and globalization.

Economy War Political organization of national, regional and global domination.

Social effects are multiple  : Overexploitation, mechanisms for liberalizing the labor market, Reintegration into the capitalist system of the managed economies of Russia and Asia A policy of controlling raw materials and energy, including a neo-colonial policy of war and oppression. Destruction of eco-systems .... International Mechanics of Economic Crises and the Circulation of Financial Speculation

The intensification of exploitation is linked to the maintenance of undemocratic systems, the point of support for exploiters of archaic structures of domination, States oppressing national minorities

Thus neo-liberal globalization, structural adjustment plans, austerity policies crystallize systems of oppression and strengthen systems of exploitation.

2 / Breakdown of resistance and social prospects

This link between the effects of globalization does not automatically lead to a common awareness of the roots of these attacks and, above all, not to a shared awareness of the requiered political responses.

The divisions between imperialist countries and dominated countries, within both national oppression, oppression of women, ethnic discrimination, .... Allow the imperialists to maintain a shattering of consciousness  : -the Peruvian Indian peasant, the American miner, the Palestinian craftsman, the French computer technician, the Turkish immigrant mason in Germany, the Chinese worker, the Malian official, the Chechen trader, how would they all develop a consciousness of belonging to the same class, of having an interest in gathering their forces to fight against a common enemy ... and for a common future beyond capitalism  ? How can even the workers and workers of the same country have an awareness of belonging to the same class  ? In all every day struggles, the goal does not spontaneously create bonds of solidarity

This strongly implies the necessity of the struggle of anti-capitalist militants, revolutionary militants who create strategies for unity among the workers and the exploited. Build programs unifying the class struggle, the struggle against oppression and ecological struggle. This implies fighting within the same country, unifying with a common goal, the abolition of the capitalist system, but also unify these combats on an international scale.

3 / The mirage of the unified struggle of the twentieth century

A certain image of the struggles of the 20th century suggests that this situation of break-up is the result of the last thirty years, the result of the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the socialist bloc. Many old activists express this nostalgia. The East block did not unify resistance, even if the confrontation USA / USSR gave points of support to certain struggles of national resistances, those paid a high price, all the more if they did not enter in the strategic framework of Soviet diplomacy ... And in the reserved area of ​​this block, it was in reality a prison of the peoples, like Russia and China today .... But what is true, and which constitutes a fundamental difference between the present situation and those of previous decades, is that the international reality of the 1960s and 1970s was that of a different balance of power, arising from the end of the last world war and anti-colonial revolutions, notably thanks to the militants of these colonial revolutions, in Africa and Asia, to the fronts in Latin America, to workers' struggles in Western Europe. Internationalist militants who had a global political vision could, at least in their analyses, unify these different "Sectors of the world revolution". It is true that at the time the avant-garde elements of many of these fights developed a socialist and internationalist orientation ... even though it often corresponded to a diplomatic veneer 'Anti-imperialist camps', f which the USSR, China, Cuba and Vietnam gave the vectors ... Unfortunately, many colonial struggles, feminist or anti-discrimination battles, national liberation struggles, and ecological struggles were still fragmented and even contradictory.

The 1970s and 1980s were marked by the crisis of these various "Anti-imperialist leaderships". It is not the place to develop this, but not only the USSR / USSR confrontations, but also the various drifts of the Indochinese leadership, the alignment of Cuba with the positions of the Kremlin bureaucracy concerning Czechoslovakia and Poland, the invasion of Afghanistan, were symptoms of this crisis.

4 / The emergence of the global justice movement in the 90s

Dynamics and limits  : From Seattle to Porto Alegre The international convergence of struggles we have known in the 90s with the emergence of the alterglobalist movement. At the time, it was no longer the USSR or Cuba that served as rallying points. But the most diverse social movements managed to come together in the face of the aggressiveness of the leaders of the capitalist countries of big trusts and banks. In massive protests against the meetings of the WTO, the IMF and other institutions, a common consciousness of the necessary struggle against the capitalist world: “Another world is possible” served as a unifying watchword. Trade unions, associations for the defence of the environment, the defence of oppressed peoples, women's organizations, ... all the social movements found a place of gathering, concretized in the world and then regional social forums in the years 2000. On the other hand, the limits of these movements lay in the means to be adopted to impose social justice and the demands of these movements.

Platform and contradictions of the movement on strategic issues In the social forums of the 2000s, radical militants of anti-capitalist political organizations met but also Christian militants linked to the churches, representatives of trade unions, associations and governments and social democratic parties. This coexistence reflected the different strategic perspectives of the movements and parties present in these gatherings  : - pressure groups, institutional lobbies, placing their action within the framework of a pressure on the bourgeois institutions, - social movements and anticapitalist parties based their action on the popular mobilizations and the confrontation with the system.

5 / The return of strategic issues. Brazil, Italy The alterglobalist movement was hit hard in the early 2000s by the arrival to government of Lula in Brazil and the support of Rifundazione in Italy to the Prodi government. The Brazilian PT and the Italian PRC were pillars of the anti-globalization movement. The social-liberal drift of the Lula governments and the PRC's support for an austerity government shed some light on the strategic issue: it is impossible to defend "Another world" and the demands of social justice without calling into question capitalist economic power, nationally and internationally.

The class nature of exploitation, Social injustice is not just the result of bad leaders or bad bosses. Exploitation, misery is the result of an economic system, capitalism The class nature of states, States are built to maintain and organize this exploitation The need to overthrow the State to overthrow the economic system, The crisis since 2008 and the sovereign debt crisis exposing the economic system. Any action against the policies of austerity requires confronting the economic structures and the States that structure this exploitation. The example of Greece and the diktats of the European Union show us that this issue goes beyond national borders because it is also necessary to confront the international structures set up by the capitalists.

6 / What is the content of socialism in the 21st century  ?

Political democracy, Challenging systems of representation of policy professionals: elected assembly, advisory structures Who directs society and for whom?

Organization of production

Tensions ... in the face of abundance, the ecological question Oppression and the resolution of contradictions Control of economic and financial mechanisms

The need for an International  :

Linked to the necessity of the party. A party is necessary for all / all exploited and oppressed to organize together and act together against capitalism and oppression. International = World Revolutionary Party Capitalists are organized on an international scale (IMF, WTO, banks and international trusts), they are powerfully organized to defend their interests. Pure they seek to divide the exploited and the oppressed with borders of which they themselves have nothing to do.

The tortuous paths  : 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd 4th International  : The gap between necessity and reality. The false anti-imperialism  : Gaddafi, Assad, Putin, El Qaeda and the Islamic state, ... The enemies of our enemies are not necessarily our friends. Today the paths to advance  : IV, continental networks International currents The means to move forward.

John Riddel: The Second International and the First World War – Responding to capitalist global disaster: 1914 and today


FI 2010: Role and Tasks of the Fourth International