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RESOLUCIÓN del 16 Congreso Mundial: ROL Y TAREAS DE LA CUARTA INTERNACIONAL (febrero de 2010)
Fourth International/16th World Congress

RESOLUCIÓN del 16 Congreso Mundial:
Role and Tasks of the Fourth International
1. We are in a context marked by an unprecedented combination of a global economic crisis and a worldwide ecological crisis, a multidimensional crisis without precedent, that puts capitalist and patriarchal civilization into crisis. This is a major turning point. This dual crisis shows the failure of the capitalist system and puts on the agenda the reorganization and reconstruction of an anti-capitalist workers’ movement.
The social and economic attacks and neoliberal counter reforms against the popular classes are going to increase. These attacks will particularly affect women, given that their situation is worse to start with (much higher rates of poverty, unemployment and casualization than men) and they will have to compensate for the cuts in public services and social allowances increasing their unpaid work within the family. There will be more wars and conflicts.
Religious fundamentalism will be increasingly used as the ideological underpinning both for attacks on the popular classes, targeting notably women’s control of their own bodies, and wars and conflicts between nations and ethnic groups. A non-Eurocentric approach to sexual oppression and emancipation is important to opposing both Islamic fundamentalism in particular and the Islamophobic ideology of “clash of civilizations” that helps fuel it. Ecological catastrophes will hit millions of people particularly in the poorer regions, making the situation of women who are heads of family disproportionately worse.
A new historical period is on the horizon.

1. Estamos en un contexto marcado por una combinación sin precedentes de crisis económica, ecologica, una crisis multidimensional sin precedentes que pone en crisis la civilización capitalista y patriarcal. Esto constituye un viraje mayor. Esta crisis demuestra el fracaso del sistema capitalista y pone en agenda la reorganización y reconstrucción de un movimiento anti-capitalista de los trabajadores y trabajadoras. Los ataques sociales y económicos a las clases populares y las contra reformas neoliberales van a aumentar. Surgirán más guerras y conflictos. El fundamentalismo religioso será cada vez más usado como el apuntalamiento ideológico para los ataques sobre las clases populares, que tendrá como objetivo destacado el control de las mujeres sobre sus propios cuerpos, así como para las guerras y los conflictos entre las naciones y los grupos étnicos.Un enfoque no eurocéntrico de la opresión y la emancipación sexual es importante para oponerse tanto al fundamentalismo islámico en particular como a la ideología anti-islámica del "choque de civilizaciones" que ayuda a fomentarla. Las catástrofes ecológicas golpearan a millones de personas particularmente en las regiones más pobres, empeorando desproporcionadamente la situación de las mujeres como aquellas responsables de sustentar la familia. Un nuevo periodo histórico se perfila en el horizonte.
La crisis tiene un impacto particularmente duro para las mujeres y las minorías sexuales que son excluidas de las familias ( u optan por no vivir con ellas) y, por lo tanto quedan privados de sus recursos. La crisi lleva a muchos de los más marginados, como a las transgéneros, a una pobreza aún más profunda. Este es el caso especialmente en los países dependientes, donde el estado de bienestar es débil o no existe.
The crisis has a particularly harsh impact on women and on sexual minorities that are excluded from the family (or choose not to live in it) and are thus cut off from its resources. The crisis is driving many of the most marginalized people, such as transgenders, into even deeper poverty. This is true especially in dependent countries where a welfare state is weak or non-existent.

Latest revision as of 13:34, 26 November 2013

Fourth International/16th World Congress

Role and Tasks of the Fourth International

1. We are in a context marked by an unprecedented combination of a global economic crisis and a worldwide ecological crisis, a multidimensional crisis without precedent, that puts capitalist and patriarchal civilization into crisis. This is a major turning point. This dual crisis shows the failure of the capitalist system and puts on the agenda the reorganization and reconstruction of an anti-capitalist workers’ movement.

The social and economic attacks and neoliberal counter reforms against the popular classes are going to increase. These attacks will particularly affect women, given that their situation is worse to start with (much higher rates of poverty, unemployment and casualization than men) and they will have to compensate for the cuts in public services and social allowances increasing their unpaid work within the family. There will be more wars and conflicts.

Religious fundamentalism will be increasingly used as the ideological underpinning both for attacks on the popular classes, targeting notably women’s control of their own bodies, and wars and conflicts between nations and ethnic groups. A non-Eurocentric approach to sexual oppression and emancipation is important to opposing both Islamic fundamentalism in particular and the Islamophobic ideology of “clash of civilizations” that helps fuel it. Ecological catastrophes will hit millions of people particularly in the poorer regions, making the situation of women who are heads of family disproportionately worse.

A new historical period is on the horizon.


The crisis has a particularly harsh impact on women and on sexual minorities that are excluded from the family (or choose not to live in it) and are thus cut off from its resources. The crisis is driving many of the most marginalized people, such as transgenders, into even deeper poverty. This is true especially in dependent countries where a welfare state is weak or non-existent.